American High School Starts Training Its Teachers To Carry Guns
A school in West Plains, Missouri has announced that faculty members will be authorized to carry handguns, and training for teachers will commence shortly.
“At Fairview School Some Employees Now Carry Concealed Weapons,” read the front-page headline in The West Plains Daily Quill.
The folks of Missouri were relieved to hear this, as the news of school shootings all over the country has many parents scared to send their children to school.
“Sooo very glad to hear this,” a woman whose grandchildren attend Fairview posted on the Facebook page of The Quill, adding, “All schools in America should do this.”
With gun control being a hot button issue on both local and national stages, the country is divided in a heated debated, with many saying guns should be outlawed, while others believe the best way to curb gun violence is to allow everyone to purchase and own guns.
Shootings such as the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado have sparked debate as to whether assault rifles should be allowed to be purchased.
Many agree on at least a background check being implemented, with a bipartisan bill being introduced to Congress later this week to assess the mental health of those looking to purchase firearms.
Schools everywhere are looking for ways to defend against school shootings, from metal detectors to armed guards, to even having teachers carry concealed weapons.
The Missouri area surrounding Fairview School is a known hunting area, so having guns in the classroom won’t be a culture shock for many of the students, who hunt game such as deer and turkey as early as the age of 6.
Sherri Roy, who has four children at the school, said in an interview that she “was really pleased” that some staff members were armed.
“If I didn’t know anything about guns, if I wasn’t raised with it, I’m sure I would be more uncomfortable,” said Roy. “But in this area guns are pretty much a normal, everyday part of your life.”
Would you want your children attending a school with armed teachers?
“At Fairview School Some Employees Now Carry Concealed Weapons,” read the front-page headline in The West Plains Daily Quill.
The folks of Missouri were relieved to hear this, as the news of school shootings all over the country has many parents scared to send their children to school.
“Sooo very glad to hear this,” a woman whose grandchildren attend Fairview posted on the Facebook page of The Quill, adding, “All schools in America should do this.”
With gun control being a hot button issue on both local and national stages, the country is divided in a heated debated, with many saying guns should be outlawed, while others believe the best way to curb gun violence is to allow everyone to purchase and own guns.
Shootings such as the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado have sparked debate as to whether assault rifles should be allowed to be purchased.
Many agree on at least a background check being implemented, with a bipartisan bill being introduced to Congress later this week to assess the mental health of those looking to purchase firearms.
Schools everywhere are looking for ways to defend against school shootings, from metal detectors to armed guards, to even having teachers carry concealed weapons.
The Missouri area surrounding Fairview School is a known hunting area, so having guns in the classroom won’t be a culture shock for many of the students, who hunt game such as deer and turkey as early as the age of 6.
Sherri Roy, who has four children at the school, said in an interview that she “was really pleased” that some staff members were armed.
“If I didn’t know anything about guns, if I wasn’t raised with it, I’m sure I would be more uncomfortable,” said Roy. “But in this area guns are pretty much a normal, everyday part of your life.”
Would you want your children attending a school with armed teachers?