Italian Teenager Gets Surprise Phone Call From Pope Francis
A 19-year-old student’s letter to the Pope was responded by a personal phone call from Francis himself, once again solidifying his status as the coolest Pope in history.
Stefano Cabizza, an information technology student from Padua, Italy, wrote to the Pope a few weeks ago expressing his hopes of finding a job after finishing college.
Francis was so moved by Stefano’s letter that he just had to call him. Twice in fact, as Stefano was not home the first time he called.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Stefano told the Telegraph. “We laughed and joked for about eight minutes. He called me around five o’clock after finding that I was not at home the first time around. ” “He asked me to pray for him and then he gave me a blessing. It was the most beautiful day of my life.”
Pope Francis even told the student to address him as “tu” instead of the much more formal “lei” during the conversation.
“He said to me, do you think the Apostles would have used the polite form with Christ? “Would they have called him your excellency? They were friends, just as you and I are now, and with friends I’m accustomed to using ‘tu’.”
Cabizza said the phone call was “a fantastic experience” and that he was utterly amazed by Francis’ “humility and his closeness to ordinary Catholics.”
This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has surprised ordinary people on the phone.
The Telegraph reports that five days after being elected Pope, the Argentine called his local news kiosk in his home town of Buenos Aires to personally cancel his newspaper subscription.
Daniel Del Regno, the kiosk’s owner, said he first thought it was a prank call. It wasn’t until the Pope addressed himself by his birth name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, that Daniel realized the call was no joke.
“I was in shock, I broke down in tears and didn’t know what to say,” Mr Del Regno told La Nacion, an Argentine daily. “He thanked me for delivering the paper all this time and sent best wishes to my family.”
Stefano Cabizza, an information technology student from Padua, Italy, wrote to the Pope a few weeks ago expressing his hopes of finding a job after finishing college.
Francis was so moved by Stefano’s letter that he just had to call him. Twice in fact, as Stefano was not home the first time he called.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Stefano told the Telegraph. “We laughed and joked for about eight minutes. He called me around five o’clock after finding that I was not at home the first time around. ” “He asked me to pray for him and then he gave me a blessing. It was the most beautiful day of my life.”
Pope Francis even told the student to address him as “tu” instead of the much more formal “lei” during the conversation.
“He said to me, do you think the Apostles would have used the polite form with Christ? “Would they have called him your excellency? They were friends, just as you and I are now, and with friends I’m accustomed to using ‘tu’.”
Cabizza said the phone call was “a fantastic experience” and that he was utterly amazed by Francis’ “humility and his closeness to ordinary Catholics.”
This isn’t the first time Pope Francis has surprised ordinary people on the phone.
The Telegraph reports that five days after being elected Pope, the Argentine called his local news kiosk in his home town of Buenos Aires to personally cancel his newspaper subscription.
Daniel Del Regno, the kiosk’s owner, said he first thought it was a prank call. It wasn’t until the Pope addressed himself by his birth name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, that Daniel realized the call was no joke.
“I was in shock, I broke down in tears and didn’t know what to say,” Mr Del Regno told La Nacion, an Argentine daily. “He thanked me for delivering the paper all this time and sent best wishes to my family.”